Hi and welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of Revelation Pictures' production of Underground.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Any film usually begins with company idents and ours does the same, starting with our four company idents.

We have titles on screen at the start of the film which is also often used. In old films full credits would usually play at the start of the film, however today's films usually only show a small selecting of credits at the start of the film and show the full credits at the end. We have followed this convention and only put the following credits in our opening:

  • Company credits - '... present' and ''In association with...'; 
  • 'Introducing Will Lennard'
  • 'Sean Burke'
  • 'Music by Andy King'
  • 'Edited by...'
  • 'An Andy King film'

Our soundtrack is also similar to other slasher films in that it combines long, slow notes with fast notes, and also varies tempo throughout depending on the mood that is trying to be conveyed.

Soundtrack from our film opening

The killers in slasher films are usually masked or not identified until a bit into the film, so we did the same and didn't show the killers face during the opening. This creates narrative enigma which in turn makes the film more interesting and will keep the audiences attention better because they will want to find out who the killer is and what there motives are. The most commonly used weapon in slasher films is a knife, and we have also used one.

Isolated locations are often used in slasher films because they connote that the victim is helpless. We thought that the best way to convey this isolation would be to have the killing in a basement.

Another way that we use the conventions of a slasher film is that the victim is drinking before being punished and killed. Characters in slasher films are usually killed after breaking the moral code, this mainly applies to Scream Queens.

Carol Clover's theory of the final girl is that these are characters who are usually shown in the opening, so we have challenged this convention by planning on introducing her further into the film.

Scream Queens are usually attractive, young, blonde women. This is a feminist theory.

We, however, have developed this convention to have a young blond male victim in our opening. We think that the main benefit to this is that the victim will be similar to our target audience, therefore the audience is more likely to associate with the character and feel as though they could be him.

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