Hi and welcome to my blog. This will take you through the adventures of Revelation Pictures' production of Underground.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

The Making of Revelation Pictures Ident

I created my ident primarily using LiveType and Final Cut Express.

First I began experimenting with different backgrounds, fonts and transitions on LiveType to create a result I was happy with. I had initially planned on filming the ident myself, however after using LiveType I found that the results that could be achieved were surprisingly good, and so decided to keep what I had made to be used for the final ident. 

Screenshot of final LiveType project
I then exported the video from LiveType and imported it into Final Cut Express. I felt that the music I added needed to have a horror sound to it, so I experimented with recording different sounds at my mates house. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of this.

I then imported the audio I had created into Final Cut Express and began trying the different sounds I had created with the video I had. I found one that I thought worked well and exported the ident.

I then received feedback on my ident (which I mentioned in my blogpost here). I made small changes to the video in LiveType and updated the audio, adding a bang sound from GarageBand. 

Screenshot of completed ident in Final Cut Express

The process of creating the finished ident involved lots of small changes to make it work well in the end.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

New Rough Cut

Here is our latest rough cut. We have taken advice previously given to us to improve what we previously had however I still think that this cut needs improving. For example, the framing in some of the shots isn't quite right in my opinion and also the mise-en-scene needs changing in a few places.

There were a couple of scenes that we were unable to get due to weather conditions and not having anything to make blood, however we have indicated what these scenes will be and where they will go in our rough cut.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Rough Cut Filming

On Tuesday 14th Will and Sean filmed some of the indoor shots for our rough cut but I was away so couldn't do any filming. The tripod broke but they managed to get some point of view shots and added dirt and fake blood to the basement to improve the mise-en-scene. Tomorrow we will re-film some of the indoor scenes and edit everything ready for Thursday.

Conspiracy Cinema Blog

Our company blog is up here. We will be putting all of our podcasts, vodcasts and everything to do with the production on there, including the final cut.

Revelation Pictures Ident Complete

Yesterday I updated my ident to include a bang at the end as suggested. I think that this has improved the ident by giving it a definitive ending and also associating it more to the horror genre (as bangs are often used in horror films). I have also made the text exit slightly quicker and in turn made the text stay on screen for a little longer. I think that this is better because it allows the viewer to get more of a chance to see the company name, and also adds a variety of pacing to the ident, with a slow start followed by a very quick ending.

Here is my finished ident:

(I have recently updated this for a higher quality export - 22/03/12)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Revelation Pictures Ident Update

I have created my ident and added sound to it, however I have received feedback that there needs to be a bang or something similar at the end. I will try to update this tomorrow.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

SB - Appealing to the Target Audience

There are many things that we can do to appeal to a certain target audience, the first thing that will help us to discover the genre we are aiming for is research.

From researching 10 different horror films and looking at the openings you can notice several patterns that emerge. An example of this is who they feature, in the majority of horror films that I watch and have researched they feature either young adults or teenagers.

The casting we did was very simple as we only featured 2 characters. From what we had been planning on our production we wanted a taller character to play the killer as it would look more menacing and make the main character look weaker, also knowing the killer would be masked or either the identity hidden. This made casting a lot easier.

From watching previous slasher films we all had our opinions on which ones were good and which were bad, a major influence of these were how the editing worked and what shot variety they had placed. As we were teenagers we knew what we wanted, which also meant we knew what our audience would want. We wouldn't want to be bored by a slow opening as this may put them off watching the rest of the film, we knew we would have to have a lot of shot selection to use when editing to keep the audience attracted. We also thought that we could have an event going on all the time, even when the person wasn't being kidnapped or murdered, but we soon deciding not to do this as it may overcomplicate the opening of the film and again put the audience off viewing any more of it.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

First Rough Cut

We have now finished our first rough cut. We encountered some problems, the main being that one of the tripod's legs wasn't working, so we had to shoot handheld. Also there is a problem in the editing in that there is some footage at the end of the clip that of should been deleted. We will learn from that though and I think that we have got some good basic shots that we can use similar framing for in our final cut.

Leprechaun in the Hood Vodcast

Here is my analysis of the first 25 minutes of the film Leprechaun in the Hood.